Monday, October 20, 2008

3rd October Meeting with Lam fung again

Members Present:

School Library/Cafe Galilee
Approx. 30min

Ghaz and Zaman fell sick unfortunately. There seemed to be a miscommunication with Adib. Anyways only Zat and Jaya were able to meetup with Lam Fung. He seemed pissed that we made him wait as we had to loan out filming equipments first, be patient dude.

Lam Fung seemed worried on the form of our project. And does not fully understand the whole thing. But it was good that he brought it up because it kinda slipped our minds trying to rush and finish shooting. So fung thanks for refreshing our minds and hopefully prepare ourselves for mid-point presentation!

The main thing was how to make the film the focal point, the new media element and packaging of our final product.

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